As Seyrani, we acknowledge the value of human resources and the crucial role of our employees in the success of the company. In line with this:
Employee Focus: The well-being and satisfaction of our employees are our top priorities. We create a supportive and motivating work environment by adhering to fair working conditions, equality, and equal opportunity principles.
Support for Talent and Performance: We provide continuous support and training opportunities to discover and develop the potential of our employees. We evaluate their performances, reward achievements, and encourage progression in their careers.
Equality and Diversity: We view differences as a richness and emphasize that there is no place for any form of discrimination in our work environment. We value equality and justice in matters such as ethnic origin, gender, age, beliefs, sexual orientation, or disability.
Communication and Participation: By establishing open communication channels, we encourage our employees to share their ideas, suggestions, and concerns. We support everyone's participation and collaborative decision-making processes through a transparent communication environment.
Safe and Healthy Work Environment: Ensuring the safety and health of our employees is a top priority. Taking necessary measures for the safety and health of our employees and organizing continuous awareness and training on occupational health and safety are fundamental to our approach.
Social Responsibility: We are aware of our responsibilities to society and the environment. Embracing sustainability principles, we support projects that contribute to society and the environment.
This policy provides a framework that supports the development of our employees in a fair environment and reflects the core values of our company.